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As a digital artist, both my personal and client-based work is focused around the concept of simplicity within complex systems. Everything in the natural world, whether organic, synthetic, physical, or societal, is made up of smaller, working parts. When faced with a complete system, there is a tendency to overlook the segmented details within it, yet it is through the recognition of both, and the relationship between them, that one can witness true beauty. I find the best dichotomy between part and whole is observed in nature. The compound beauty that we see in an expansive landscape relies on the functional balance of every plant, rock, and animal.
When making art, I incorporate this concept into my creative process. Once my subject is determined, I make a physical drawing of the object in its entirety. Next, I begin subtracting from my rendering to reveal the fundamental lines and shapes. I transfer these foundational elements of design onto Adobe Illustrator’s digital workspace. In Illustrator, I reconstruct my subject visually and conceptually. Ultimately, this process not only allows myself to recognize the whole of my subject, but it also produces an artwork that balances simple and complex characteristics. The completed pieces allow for an interpretation of the subject, its parts, and what it means as a functioning composite.

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